One Man
Charles Ross
Hey there, thanks for visiting my site.
If you’re a theatre fan, a happy geek (like me), or you’ve come here by accident: Welcome!
Feel free to loiter around the site, free of charge. Check out my parody shows: One Man Dark Knight, One Man Stranger Things, One Man Avengers, One Man Pride & Prejudice, One Man 80’s Blank Tape, along with 421 Is Dead and Sev.
My latest solo venture is One Man Harry Potter: The Unauthorized and Please don’t kill me! Parody- I’m still working on the title.
Also a two-person Shawshank Redemption, written by me & Rod Peter Jr.

Trying to make it, as a Canadian theatre actor, feels like trying to scale the Rocky Mountains with your lips. However, I choose to struggle with my own dream job, rather than to work for someone succeeding at their’s.
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